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Integrate with vMix

Control Ontime from vMix

The most straightforward way to get Ontime synced with vMix is by using Ontime’s HTTP API, which provides easy access to the apps playback functions.

Adapting from this vMix forum post, a workflow would look like:

  • Go to Settings -> Scripting and click Add
  • Paste the following and Save
' This code creates a GET request to Ontime for starting an event with id 4b044
Dim client = WebRequest.Create("http://<localhost:4001>/api/start/id/<4b044>")
Dim response = client.GetResponse()

From here, you should be able to add the script as needed.
Please follow vMix documentation for the next steps.

Control vMix from Ontime

You can leverage the integrations feature to send HTTP data from Ontime to set parameters in vMix.

The example below will set a Headline text property to the title of the current event every time one is loaded.

  • Navigate to the Integration Settings at Editor -> Settings -> Integrations
  • Add a new HTTP integration and choose onLoad as a cycle and add the following URL
Terminal window{{eventNow.title}}&SelectedName=Headline.Text

Setup HTTP Integration vMix 1 vMix 2