Import from Google Sheets
You can synchronise Ontime to a Google Sheet.
This is ideal for collaboration or extensive data manipulation.
Follow here to see the Google Sheet from the screenshot
To enable this feature, you will to need provide Ontime with the necessary permissions.
From there, we can read and write to the Google Sheet spreadsheet.
Create project
On the front page select the newly created project
Enable the Sheet API
Click enable APIs and Services
… and search for Sheets
Setup consent screen
Back on the APIs and Services to set up a OAuth consent screen
Add necessary scopes
The first step depends very much on how your organization is set up but it should make sense by reading through the options If you are unsure select external and only fill out the required fieldsWhen thats done click “ADD OR REMOVE SCOPES”
Filter for sheets, add “/auth/spreadsheets” and click update
Click save and continue
For “Test users” add the email(s) the will be using this.
Save and go back to the dashboardCreate credentials
Go to Credentials
Click Create Credentials and select OAuth client ID
For Application type select TVs and Limited input device, give it a name and click create
Download the result, we are now done with the Google console
Connect Ontime
Go to the sheet sync settings
Upload the file we have downloaded from Google console
Get the sheet ID, paste it in Ontime and click connect
Copy the code and click authenticate and follow the instructions from Google